Resources Webinars The carbon mitigation outcomes of different forest systems and timber product uses

The carbon mitigation outcomes of different forest systems and timber product uses

20th April 2021


Climate concern is a major driving force for afforestation and woodland creation in the UK. Despite this, there is little evidence supporting decision-making on species selection and forest management for optimising the climate change mitigation potential of new forests. Similarly, the ways in which harvested timber is used can have a major impact and little is known of its relative importance. In this webinar, Eilidh Forster will shed light on this crucial topic through her examination of different forestry value chains: varying conifer : broadleaf composition, harvesting and timber uses. Eilidh is an independent expert in life cycle assessment who has been undertaking doctoral research at the University of Bangor in association with Wood Knowledge Wales. Join this webinar to discover her analysis of UK national planting scenarios and discuss the implications for both public policy, and forestry and woodland project delivery.