Resources Webinars Testing Natural England’s Natural Capital Indicators nationally and locally to produce a Natural Capital Atlas

Testing Natural England’s Natural Capital Indicators nationally and locally to produce a Natural Capital Atlas

4th June 2019


Natural England’s natural capital indicators are designed to inform our understanding of the state of our natural capital assets to ensure the continued or enhanced provision of ecosystem services and benefits to people. They relate specifically to the quantity, quality and location of natural assets and the ecosystem services that flow from them. This webinar presents the outcomes and learning from recently completed projects to test the indicators at a national and local scale in both the terrestrial and marine environment. Testing included matching datasets to indicators and identifying gaps, producing mapped and tabulated outputs that are easily understood in the form of a natural capital atlas and creating a GIS template that could easily be applied in other places. The transferability of the approach at different scales will be highlighted to enable participants to consider how easily the indicators could be applied in their place.