Plugging the income gap: Assessing environmental options for upland farms
31st March 2021
The Pendle Hill Landscape Partnership in Lancashire is working to understand the value that the landscape and heritage of the area offers its communities. Over the last year, Natural Capital Solutions has been working with the Partnership to understand the public benefits that upland hill farms in the area could provide under the proposed Environmental Land Management scheme (post-Brexit agri-environment support). The research considered whether the financial rewards for delivering these benefits via the implementation of ELM-type options could make up for the income that would otherwise have been provided by the Basic Payment Scheme (current agri-environment support). The webinar will be of interest to all involved in stewardship of land, water and nature in rural areas. The webinar will be presented by Alison Holt (Natural Capital Solutions) and Joe Morris (Morris Resource Economics), together with the Pendle Hill Landscape Partnership’s programme manager, Cathy Hopley (Forest of Bowland AONB).