Opportunities for involving local communities in managing their environment and place-making
3rd July 2018
Part of the Partnerships for People, Place & Environment webinar series (Defra Local Delivery Project)
Download the webinar note.
This webinar featured two examples of work to build the capacity of local communities to manage environments in ways that make them resilient, healthy and prosperous. Jenny Phelps of the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group spoke about how the Integrated Local Delivery approach uses the detailed knowledge of farmers and local residents to identify environmental concerns and find joined-up ways of meeting multiple objectives. Paul Cobbing of the National Flood Forum discussed the work that local flood groups are doing to develop natural flood management methods in partnership with flood authorities and local landowners.
The webinar had the purpose of stimulating discussion of opportunities for the public, private and third sector to play their part in connecting people, place and environment in 2019 and beyond. This includes how local community action can be a catalyst for mobilising resources to deliver environmental and social benefits in the context of the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan.
Chaired by Clare Twigger-Ross of Collingwood Environmental Planning.