Resources Webinars An environment for investment, productivity and inclusive growth

An environment for investment, productivity and inclusive growth

13th September 2018


Part of the Partnerships for People, Place & Environment webinar series (Defra Local Delivery Project)

Local economic development remains a priority throughout the UK. Our understanding of how the environment underpins sustainable forms of growth is greater than ever. This webinar will feature two enterprise and economic development initiatives that have given recognition to the importance of the natural environment in meeting their goals. Emily Kent from the Economic Development Team of Cornwall Council and her colleague Rachel Bice from the Environment Service will discuss how a commitment to environmental growth has come to be embedded in their Economic Growth Plan for Cornwall. They will describe the implications of this for investment work to date. Andrew Leeming from the York, North Yorkshire and East Riding Enterprise Partnership share his perspective on the opportunity for environment to support long-term growth. He provided insight into how Local Nature Partnerships and other local environmental initiatives in England can work more effectively to support strategic economic development initiatives.