
Alongside our main plenary sessions, participants in the Nature Finance UK Conference will be able to access a superb range of seminars and briefings featuring projects and expertise in financial innovation for nature-based solutions in the UK.

Plenary programme

Early bird seminars

Organisations involved in financial innovation for nature and nature-based solutions need access to robust scientific know-how. Join this invitation-only breakfast briefing to hear how the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology is meeting these evidence needs, and help to shape future research to meet sustainability goals. Find out how world-leading science brings governments, policy makers, regulators, researchers, NGOs, businesses, think tanks and investors together to tackle environmental challenges, and what part your organisation could play.

Invitation-only session, led by the UK Centre for Ecology & Hydrology

  • Edward Asseily, CEO, Zulu Ecosystems

Morning break

Levels of trust in voluntary carbon markets have fallen in recent years, due to doubts about the credentials of the projects providing offsets, as well as concerns about the intentions of organisations that who want to procure them as part of their path to net zero. Last year, The Wildlife Trusts launched a £38 million nature-based solutions programme with Aviva, centred on the restoration of Atlantic rainforest, one of Britain’s most precious habitats. This project is providing insight into a robust approach to carbon sequestration, balancing off future, not current, emissions. Join this session to see how nature-based carbon can delivered with additionality, integrity, resilience and enduring community benefit.

  • Henrietta Stock, Senior Sustainability Manager, Aviva
  • Stan Smith, Programme Manager, Temperate Rainforest Programme, the Wildlife Trusts

There is a strong rationale for a new and productive working relationship between UK-based companies and financial institutions and those who look after our environment day-to-day. For this working relationship to happen at scale, there is a growing need for greater connections between environmental improvement activity across river catchments, city regions and areas of distinctive landscape character. With support from HM Government, the Nature Returns programme is harnessing the capabilities of Natural England, the Environment Agency, Forestry Commission, RBG Kew at Wakehurst to unlock pathways for these connections to be made. Join this session to understand the returns from the enduring environmental improvement that comes through larger scale and long-term collaboration.

  • Matt Buckler, Director of Natural Solutions, Derbyshire Wildlife Trust
  • Melissa Swartz, Catchment Funding Senior Advisor, Future Funding Team, Environment Agency

Nattergal is a nature restoration company on a mission to prove that nature is an investible asset class. By leveraging private sector investment, they aim to improve outcomes for nature, people, and the planet, while at the same time, generating sustainable financial returns.

Join this seminar to gain an insight into the Nattergal business model, and how it can be replicated so that nature can thrive.

  • Archie Struthers, CEO, Nattergal

Lunchtime break

  • Environment Agency

For any business, knowing how to identify and respond to nature-related risks, dependencies and opportunities is no easy task. There are vast amounts of data to interpret. In addition, the goals for achieving nature-positive, net zero and climate resilience are inter-connected. This interactive workshop will help anyone involved in nature-positive strategic planning to identify actions applicable to them, including their role in financial innovation.

  • Dr. Helen Mentink, Associate Director & Natural Capital Lead, Ricardo
  • Gloria Angélica Pérez-Vértiz, Natural Capital and Biodiversity Senior Consultant, Ricardo
  • NatureScot & Partners

It is crucial that nature finance focuses on the things that really matter; the ways that land, water and ecological processes are material to resilience and success for all types of organisations. It is all too easy to pursue the most readily available finance opportunity, but this can be at the expense of other more important benefits. For the last decade, the outputs of natural capital accounts have already ensured that the natural environment is increasingly visible in Board rooms, City Halls, and estate offices. It now provides an unrivalled opportunity to guide the financial transactions geared at environmental improvement.

Join this seminar with experts from eftec – the Environmental Economics Consultancy to see how natural capital accounts can provide a reliable resource for investors, corporates and land managers participating in nature finance; connecting with TNFD and other reporting.

  • Ece Ozdemiroglu, CEO, eftec (Environmental Economics Consultancy)

Afternoon break


The UK’s 46 National Landscapes play a vital role in nature recovery, net zero and in the provision of economic opportunity. With a track record of stewardship of landscapes for over 50 years, they have been working to advance the interests and capabilities of land managers, local communities and businesses in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Many have the advantage of being situated close to large population centres.

Join this session to discover the opportunity for UK businesses to partner with the UK’s National Landscapes. Find out how private sector organisations can derive social and economic value by working with them.

  • Mercer

Delegates will be invited to pre-register for these seminars as places will be limited.

5 November 2024

9:00 – 18:30

(seminars from 8.15 am)

IET London; Savoy Place

Book tickets

The event is being organised by the award-winning Ecosystems Knowledge Network (EKN), an independent forum for harnessing the role of a healthy environment in people’s lives. We are a social enterprise and registered charity.

Thank you to our lead sponsor, Knight Frank, our sponsors, abrdn Investments, BSI, Nature Returns and National Parks Partnerships, event partners; Green Finance Institute, Aldersgate Group, the UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology and our media partner edie.