Resources Webinars Opportunities for connecting health and the environment

Opportunities for connecting health and the environment

5th July 2018


Part of the Partnerships for People, Place & Environment webinar series (Defra Local Delivery Project).

Download the Webinar Summary Notes and Further Resources.

The environment plays a large role in supporting health and wellbeing. This webinar featured two examples of work that puts partnership working for health and the environment into practice. Dr James Szymankiewicz, GP and Chair of Devon Local Nature Partnership, spoke about his experiences helping communities reconnect with the natural world to benefit people and the environment. Mark Fishpool, Director of Middlesbrough Environment City also presented. Middlesbrough Environment City works with over 150 local partners to achieve ‘One Planet Living’ to ensure a sustainable future and maintain quality of life for all.

The webinar was designed stimulate discussion of opportunities for the public, private and third sector to play their part in connecting health and environment. It explored how health can be supported and the Government’s 25 Year Environment Plan can be implemented within local communities.

Chaired by Dave Powell of the New Economics Foundation.