Events Webinar – An Environment to Thrive: what can the culture and heritage capital programme learn from natural capital?

An Environment to Thrive: what can the culture and heritage capital programme learn from natural capital?

The Arts, Culture and Heritage Taxonomies (ACHTAXONOMIES) research project funded by the Culture and Heritage Capital programme. This programme supports six projects through the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and the Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Webinar Details
19th September 2024
1:00 pm
Ecosystems Knowledge Network


Most of the landscapes and seascapes of the UK gain their value and identity because of the way they have been shaped by both people and nature. New efforts to achieve nature recovery don’t always give due recognition to the culture and heritage that is so important in making places where people want to be. Likewise, efforts to enable places to thrive culturally don’t always harness the value of nature.  

Join this webinar to gain insight into how our different forms of capital and heritage can be considered as one. Share your views on the opportunities for doing this. Involving partners in the Arts, Culture and Heritage Taxonomies (ACHTAXONOMIES) project funded by HM Government’s Department for Culture Media and Sport, and the Arts and Humanities Research Council as part of the Culture and Heritage Capital programme.


Adala Leeson

Head of Social and Economic Analysis and Evaluation, Historic England

Edward Bayfield

Senior Policy Advisor for Environmental Land Management, Historic England